If the participant us unable to us a regular mobile phone due to heir disability and requires a BigPurplePhone to receive, send, produce and/or process information as determined by your OT then it can be covered.
The assistive technology to assist participants with alternate communication or to access written or spoken communication through electronic or other means. Low-cost assistive technology in this category should
be claimed under the line item ‘Low-Cost AT - Communication or Cognitive Support 03_222100911_0124_1_1’ which can be claimed from the Consumables budget
Communication and information equipment
The provision of assistive products to support communication and information
This includes:
• products that help a participant to receive, send, produce and/or process
information in different forms
• products that facilitate a participant communicating by language, signs and
symbols, receiving and producing messages, having conversations and using
communication devices and techniques
• services to assess and prescribe, deliver, adjust and train a participant in the
successful use of an assistive product
• maintenance, spare parts and consumable items specific to an assistive
Regular mobile phones are considered 'lifestyle related' and are not covered as seen in page on the NDIA document Supports that are not ‘NDIS