If the mobile is on the Table-Top Charger, do all calls go to loudspeaker?
BigPurplePhone SilverFox
The BigPurplePhone SilverFox Edition can
be set to go to loudspeaker on all calls regardless of it being on the
Table-Top Charger or not.
To change setting on the BigPurplePhone SilverFox, follow these steps
1. Access the Carer's Portal either by
a. Logging in at admin.bigpurplephone.com or
b. Scrolling down to the Manage button (if
enabled) on the BigPurplePhone
Under Communications:
Tap on Phone Settings button

Tap on right arrow (or scroll down) to Speaker
(iii) Tap on the toggle to Enable or Disable Auto Speaker on the BigPurplephone
BigPurplePhone Talk&Text
Although the BigPurplePhone Talk&Text Edition can not be set to speakerphone automatically, a Bluetooth speaker can be connected.