I took a photo but it didn't appear on my gallery. Where is it?

I took a photo but it didn't appear on my gallery. Where is it?

Save photo

For a photo to appear in your Photo gallery, it must be saved. Press the 'Take photo' button (1) to take a photo, press the 'Flip' button to use the front-facing camera and the +/- buttons to zoom in or out.

(1) Flip, Take Photo and Zoom buttons
After taking a photo, the 'Retake' and  'Save' buttons (2) appear at the bottom of the screen to replace the 'Flip' and 'Take Photo' buttons.

(2) Retake and Save buttons
If you press the 'Retake' button, the photo will be discarded and the 'Flip', 'Take Photo' and 'Zoom' buttons will reappear.
You need to click on the 'Save' button to store the photo in the Gallery and a Confirmation message (3) will appear on the screen.

(3) Confirmation of save
Press on the 'OK' button to return to taking photos then press on the 'Home' button (4) to return to the BigPurplePhone screen

(4) Home and SOS buttons


Also, if you have selected a photo and clicked on 'Love a photo' (5), it will be marked as a 'Favourite' and a little golden heart will be added in the top right corner of the photo (6). These Favourites will appear at the top of the gallery and is you select one and tap 'Love a photo' again it will be removed from your Favourites.

(5) Love a photo, Share a Photo and Delete buttons


(6) Photos with Favourites

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