Popular Articles
Can I just buy the BigPurplePhone and use my own SIM card?
Yes! Simply add your BigPurplePhone to your cart and insert your own Nano SIM Card into your BigPurplePhone when you receive your phone.
Don't want the Safe Callers List?
BigPurplePhone Talk&Text When you first activate your phone, you can enable or disable the Safe Callers List. If you change your mind, we can disable it for you and your phone will receive all calls that are made to the phone. Just email us at ...
Will I have coverage on the BigPurplePhone ?
If you choose to purchase a BigPurpleSIM through us, our BigPurpleSIM uses the Telstra wholesale network. You can check the Coverage Map here: Telstra Wholesale 5G, 4G & 3G Coverage Map. You may also choose to use your own SIM. if you do, then you ...
How do I import Contacts to the BigPurplePhone?
BigPurplePhone SilverFox edition Yes, with a BigPurplePhone SilverFox edition you can upload contacts however, we recommend that you enter the Contacts individually for a few reasons: We suggest you clean up the Contacts as long lists and duplicates ...
Will I have coverage on the BigPurplePhone ?
BigPurpleSIMs use the Telstra wholesale network. You can check the Coverage Map here: Telstra Wholesale 5G, 4G & 3G Coverage Map